Are we willing to vote for Independence if it means getting the best deal for Alberta?
Those who read Dr. Jordan Peterson’s National Post article, Canada must offer Alberta more than Trump could, will be reminded that the good doctor was born and raised in Alberta, endured the Pierre Trudeau National Energy Policy (NEP) in the early 1980s and - like many of us today - harbors a marked distrust of anything emanating from Ottawa. Despite having lived elsewhere for many years, Dr. Peterson remains an Albertan at heart.
Subsequent to the article, Dr. Peterson published a recap on YouTube, for those who prefer to watch / listen.
In the wake of President Donald Trump’s tariff threats, instead of admitting that, “Yes, you’re right, we do need to tighten our borders and protect our citizens from the fentanyl poison which has been killing our youth,” the outraged woke / progressive Liberals in central Canada floated the notion of retaliatory tariffs … to include Alberta energy. Thankfully, Premier Smith was forceful in her stand against being part of that team.
Nonetheless, Ottawa’s position had consequences.
Alberta now more separatist than Quebec
Courtesy of the Western Standard News
Alberta now harbours more separatist sentiment than Quebec, says a recent poll by Research Co. on unity and politics in Canada.
According to the study, 38% of people in Alberta believe the province is better off as its own country, compared to around 35% of Quebecers who feel the same way.
Albertans, rich in oil and gas, feel economically discriminated against by federal policies that are seen as detrimental to its primary industries. Policies related to climate change, pipelines, and resource management are often viewed as federal overreach or neglect, leading to alienation.
The Government of Canada announced Quebec will get $13.6 billion in transfer payments in 2025-2026 and the West will get zero.
Continue reading …. (the Western Standard offers five sample articles before readers hit the paywall)
Frontrunner in the upcoming election, leader of the opposition Conservative Party, Pierre Poilievre recently announced he had no plans whatsoever to change the equalization equation: this, despite the imbalance (and, according to many in Western Canada, the downright theft) of wealth in the form of “equalization” transfers from west to east. The issue has been a slow-burning fire in the West, particularly considering recipients of significant amounts of those payments neither purchase Alberta energy nor permit pipelines carrying Alberta oil and gas to cross their jurisdiction.
In the Forward portion of Michael Wagner’s 2021 book, No Other Option: Self-Determination for Alberta, Vince Byfield writes:
The total sum of money that’s now been “transferred” from Albertans to Ottawa is a staggering $600 billion, which works out to well over half a million dollars from every family. Were a man to be caught robbing $500,000 from a single family he would be convicted of grand theft larceny and thrown in jail. But when Ottawa takes that much from every single home in the entire province it’s called “equalization” and the government doesn’t get punished; it gets re-elected.
Much like Europe and the UK, Canada is saddled with elected officials and their backers - self-proclaimed “elites” - who refuse to listen to constituents. (Bear in mind that results of the federal election - due to population distribution - is determined by Ontario and Quebec. The voices in the West count for next to nothing as do, apparently, those of ordinary citizens in any part of Canada.) That said, polls are one thing, votes quite another.
Majority of Canadians believe equalization is unfair to Alberta: poll
The poll also found that 69 per cent of Canadians believe if other provinces object to pipeline construction, they 'should not benefit from Alberta's contribution'
In the days, now weeks, following President Trump’s pause on tariffs, Canada seems to have developed a new-found (potentially temporary, self-congratulatory virtue-signalling) national unity which purports to value free trade across all provinces and territories but does not, if one looks closely, extend to pipelines east or west.
Quebec remains adamant in their insistence, with a resounding “No,” to pipelines, and the rabid federal environment minister, Steven Guilbeault (who refused to oversee forestry management and proceeded then to claim climate change the reason behind the Alberta wildfire which decimated Jasper) recently killed all remaining hope for the Northern Gateway project which would have enabled tidwater access on the west coast for Alberta resources.
Albertans have not been shy about expressing their (growing) frustration.
Cory Morgan, author of The Sovereigntist's Handbook: Charting the course to Western independence, is a regular columnist with the Western Standard News and hosts a weekly rant (his words) on YouTube. Follow him on X, @CoryBMorgan, for ongoing snarkiness (and a good chuckle).
(please persevere past the first minute and a half when the audio difficulty is rectified)
Salient points / transcript:
Many voices are now calling for market diversification as citizens and politicians alike have suddenly realized what a precarious situation Canada is in. Even Quebec Premier Legault spoke of the importance of market access. He then quickly stated though that there was still no way Quebec would allow a pipeline to be build across it.
This is where the rubber hits the road.
Is Canada a confederation or not?
The constitution makes it clear that no province has the right to stop infrastructure carrying products from other provinces from being constructed or operating. That includes roads, airspace, railways, and of course pipelines.Could you imagine what would happen if Alberta blocked rail access from B.C. or Manitoba blocked truckers from Ontario?
It’s unimaginable.
So why the hell are we still putting up with this crap from Quebec?
It’s time to either lay down the law as a federation or dissolve the nation. We can’t tolerate the spoiled brat of confederation to continue to dictate to the rest of the country how they may or may not earn money. Especially when it’s considered the spoiled brat in question is a chronic interprovincial welfare bum.Quebec will be sucking down $13.6 billion in equalization payments in 2026 while energy-producing provinces in the West receive nothing. The hypocrisy is galling. While Quebec refuses to develop its own large deposits of natural gas and while they hinder pipelines, they shamelessly will take the money from energy-producing provinces.
It must stop.Equalization is constitutionally entrenched but the formula is created by the government. It can be cut down to a fraction of what it is and perhaps its time for that to happen.
Quebec must be facing a stark choice. Either accept equalization and a pipeline or be cut off. They will suddenly discover a love for pipelines or they will separate. Either situation is better for Canada than the status quo.
The world is hungry for Canadian energy. LNG terminals are being created everywhere, aside from Canada and there are refineries capable of processing Canada’s heavy crude on every continent. All that’s required is increased coastal access for those products.
We can get things done fast when the will is there. The first Trans Mountain pipeline took 18 months to construct in 1953. Post-war energy security was considered in the national interest and the job got done.
Energy security remains in the national interest. If the government acts fast and makes it clear they will clear the regulations and enforce the constitution with pipeline construction, private industry will step up. They need strong assurances and tight timelines. It can be done.
The current government will not do this of course but the next one could.
The ball will be in Poilievre’s court and the timeframe limited. There will never be a better time to do this again.
Canada has two choices in front of it.
It can act like a proper confederation and get projects done in the national interest, or it can give up, break up, and let the provinces make their own arrangements as independent nations.
Despite all, Premier Danielle Smith, Alberta’s chief advocate and ambassador, remains optimistic.
watch / listen to the Candice Malcolm Juno News interview (link includes transcript)
Nonetheless, there’s simply no escaping the notion that Alberta - and perhaps Saskatchewan (with numerous resources / industries of its own, and equally maligned / abused by Ottawa) - might be better off as either independent or aligned (in some way) with the US.
Alberta joined the Confederation of Canadian provinces in 1905, and we’ve been talking about / trying to leave since 1930. Separatist parties have come and gone, some more successful than others, but here we are.
Is this the time we can leverage our resource wealth and demand the best deal from Ottawa, with an underlying threat of the better deal on the southern horizon? And what - exactly - would that “best deal” be? Is Independence our best chance for economic well being, or will we be content with forever abuse by those “who know best for the West” in central Canda?
Ironically, Quebec, also with their relentless yearning for independence, have paved the way and provided the process by which we may in fact succeed.
51% of us are required to prove we want out.
The Process to Force a Referendum
Since Alberta joined confederation on Sept 1, 1905, no Alberta Provincial Government has ever been able to protect the individual freedoms, rights, prosperity and self-determination of Albertans due to the imbalance of power between the Federal and Alberta governments. This imbalance of power has culminated in progressive federal overreach of Alberta provincial constitutional authority, and is the genesis of the dysfunctional relationship that currently exists, resulting in progressive federal usurpation of Alberta's wealth and restriction of our civil liberties.
The purpose of the referendum on Alberta's sovereignty is to empower the Provincial Government to negotiate new terms of Alberta's relationship within or without Canada.
The "Citizens Initiative Act'' requires 600,000 signatures collected over a period of not more than 90 days to force a referendum on Alberta's sovereignty. Given the difficulty of collecting 600,000 signatories to a petition within 90 days, the simple solution is have more than 600,000 Albertans registered for the petition.
Once we have over 600,000 Albertans who support Alberta's sovereignty and registered for the petition, we will then present the petition to Elections Alberta for approval. Once approved, canvassers will facilitate the collection of signatures for the petition within the required 90 day timeline.
By registering your intent to vote YES in favor of forcing a referendum on Alberta's sovereignty, we can ensure that the Provincial Government will restructure Alberta’s relationship within or without Canada.
Register your intent to vote YES in a referendum on Alberta's sovereignty!
Help empower the Alberta government to restructure Alberta’s relationship with Canada by registering your intent to vote YES in a referendum on Alberta's sovereignty.
We appreciate all of the support you can give us as we work together for a Free, Prosperous and Sovereign Alberta and for all who call Alberta home!
Register your Intention to sign YES for Sovereignty
Will 600,000 signatures provide Premier Danielle Smith the support she might want in negotating on behalf of Alberta and our future?
Let’s find out.
What a thorough and insightful analysis of what is happening in Canada in general and Alberta in particular. I learned a lot here. Hopefully, the movement to rid the unaccountable elite from being our overlords will gain momentum throughout the world.
I will move to Alberta if they propose separation, as will many Canadians from coast to coast. 🇨🇦